IntegrationServices Notification v3 API Migration

The integrationServices/v3/notification API will be deactivated on October 31, 2024.


This is to assist in migrating integrations from integrationServices/v3/Notification API to Alerts v7 API or Data Forwarder - Alerts Schema v2.

In this document, you will find

  • Recommendations for when to use the Alerts v7 API vs. the Carbon Black Cloud Data Forwarder
  • A mapping of deprecated v3 Notifications API endpoint to related Alerts v7 endpoint
  • Examples for recreating notification configurations from the Carbon Black Cloud console in the Alerts v7 API
Note: Although the same configuration screen is used in the Carbon Black Cloud console to set up email notifications, email notifications are not affected. Please continue to use this screen to configure your email notifications.

Guides and Resources

If you did not update prior to October 31st 2024

  • Review the Recommendations below to determine whether the Alerts v7 API, the Data Forwarder - Alerts Schema v2, or the Syslog Connector is the better solution for your use case.
  • Update your systems with the selected solution.
  • If there is a period of Alerts that are missing and are required, use the Alert V7 API. Set the Time Range Filter of the search criteria to get Alerts using the v7 API. Use the lastUpdatedTime of the last Notification record ingested as the start time for the Time Range Filter. lastUpdatedTime in the Notification API is equivalent to thebackend_timestamp on the Alert v7 API.

Key Differences

  • In Notifications, the criteria that defines when a notification is sent is defined in the Carbon Black Cloud console. When using the Alerts v7 API, the criteria is part of the API request
  • The Notifications endpoint is a read-once queue whereas the Alerts v7 is a search request. When calling the Alerts v7 API, the caller (your script) must manage state, keeping track of the timestamp of the last Alert retrieved and using that for the start timestamp on the next request. See the Alert Bulk Export guide for details on the polling algorithm.

Observed Alerts

As part of the Alerts v7 API release and Alert Forwarder Schema v2, Observed Alerts were removed.

  • SIEM Notification rules that previously included Observed Alerts will no longer emit Observed Alerts.
  • New SIEM Notification rules only include true alerts. It is not possible to configure inclusion of Observed Alerts for new Notification rules.
  • Observed Alerts will continue to be returned in Alerts v6 API responses and Data Forwarder Alert Schema v1.
  • An Observed Alert can only be enriched by
    • Searching Enriched Events by alert_id
    • Searching Observations by event_id using created_by_event_id from the Observed Alert
  • An Observed Alert is identified by category = MONITORED in the API response and WARNING in the Alert Forwarder output.
  • Observed Alerts are not returned in Alerts v7 API responses or in the Data Forwarder Alert Schema v2.
  • See Announcing the Alerts V7 API and “Observed Alerts” Become “Observations” for more information.


The Data Forwarder - Alerts Schema 2.0.0 is recommended for customers

The Alerts v7 API is recommended for customers

  • With lower volume
  • Who want to filter to a subset of alerts

The Syslog Connector is available to enable easy integration with other systems that support Syslog connections.

API Endpoints

Operation Legacy v3 Notification Endpoint New v7 Alerts API Endpoint
Get Notifications GET /integrationServices/v3/notification POST /api/alerts/v7/orgs/{org_key}/alerts/_search

Using the Alerts v7 API to retrieve notifications allows for more flexibility and scaling by moving the logic from the Carbon Black Cloud console to the API search request. The Alerts v7 API can be used to configure a subset of alerts to flow into your integrations, allowing for more customized and targeted notifications. The Alerts v7 API has fields that provide equivalent filtering to the options available in the notifications configuration, and many more. See the example below to get a head start on using the APIs to retrieve notifications.

Schema Changes

The following tables contains the fields to be substituted when migrating to the Alerts v7 API.

The AlertService/v7 APIs return the entire Alert object as a response. This contains significantly more metadata about the Alert than a Notification record.

To get the most benefit from the Alerts v7 API or Data Forwarder with Alert Schema v2, check out the fields available in the Alert v7 API Search Fields or Data Forwarder Alert Schema v2.0. Field names are aligned across API and Forwarder.

Fields that are marked DEPRECATED do not have an equivalent in the Alert v7 API or Alert Forwarder Schema v2.

Common fields

The following fields occur in all alert types.

Alert types other than CB Analytics and Watchlist did not have type-specific fields in a Notification.

Legacy Field New Field
ruleName Deprecated
eventTime detection_timestamp with conversion from ISO to integer representation.
This Python code snippet performs the conversion: int(datetime.fromisoformat(alert["detection_timestamp"]).timestamp()) * 1000
eventId id (Alert ID)
In Notifications, event referred to the Alert that generated the notification.
eventDescription reason
url alert_url
Device Information Additional device information not included on the Alert can be retrieved using the Specific Device Information API
deviceInfo.deviceType os DEPRECATED
deviceInfo.deviceId device_id
deviceInfo.deviceName device_name
deviceInfo.deviceHostName DEPRECATED
deviceInfo.deviceVersion device_os_version
deviceInfo.targetPriorityType device_target_value
deviceInfo.targetPriorityCode DEPRECATED
deviceInfo.internalIpAddress device_internal_ip
deviceInfo.groupName DEPRECATED.
With the release of Asset Groups, the Devices v6 API will be extended with Asset Group Name.
deviceInfo.externalIpAddress device_external_ip
type This field exists but has different content.
The type field in Alerts v7 identifies the type of alert; e.g. CB_ANALYTICS, WATCHLIST.

CB Analytics Alerts

Legacy Field New Field
The type field in Alerts v7 identifies the type of alert; CB_ANALYTICS.
In Alerts v7, only records with the notification type THREAT are returned.
Records that in Notifications had the category MONITORED (Observed) are now Observations
See more information in Announcing the Alerts v7 API and “Observed Alerts” Become “Observations.
Also see the Observations API.
threatInfo.time detection_timestamp with conversion from ISO to integer representation.
This Python code snippet performs the conversion: int(datetime.fromisoformat(alert["detection_timestamp"]).timestamp()) * 1000
threatInfo ttps
Alerts v7 has a list of TTPs. Each TTP maps to a threatInfo element per the following field mappings:
threatInfo.score severity
threatInfo.incidentId threat_id
threatInfo.summary reason
threatInfo.indicators.indicatorName ttp
threatInfo.indicators.sha256Hash process_sha256
threatInfo.indicators.applicationName app_name

Watchlist Alerts

Legacy Field New Field
type Notification used THREAT_HUNTER. Alerts use WATCHLIST
threatHunterInfo.time backend_timestamp with conversion from ISO to integer representation.
This Python code snippet performs the conversion: int(datetime.fromisoformat(alert["backend_timestamp"]).timestamp()) * 1000
threatHunterInfo.score severity
threatHunterInfo.incidentId threat_id
threatHunterInfo.summary reason
indicators.indicatorName ioc_id
indicators.sha256Hash process_sha256
indicators.applicationName app_name
watchlists watchlists
iocId ioc_id
dismissed A value of True in Notification is equivalent to CLOSED in Alerts. Other values in Alerts are OPEN and IN_PROGRESS.
documentGuid DEPRECATED
firstActivityTime first_event_timestamp with conversion from ISO to integer representation.
This Python code snippet performs the conversion: int(datetime.fromisoformat(alert["first_event_timestamp"]).timestamp()) * 1000
md5 process_md5
policyId device_policy_id
processGuid process_guid
processPath process_name
reportName report_name
reportId report_id
reputation process_reputation
responseAlarmId threat_id
responseSeverity severity
runState run_state
sha256 process_sha256
tags report_tags
targetPriority device_target_value
threatId threat_id
lastUpdatedTime backend_timestamp
In Alerts v7, the field backend_update_timestamp is updated when an alert is updated. However, Notifications were not resent when alerts received updates so on a Notification, lastUpdatedTime will always equal backend_timestamp process_sha256
threatCause.actorName app_name,
threatCause.reason report_name
threatCause.actorType DEPRECATED
threatCause.threatCategory DEPRECATED
threatCause.actorProcessPPid DEPRECATED
threatCause.causeEventId DEPRECATED
threatCause.reputation process_reputation
threatCause.originSourceType DEPRECATED


Alert Crosses a Threshold

The example below shows how to use the Alerts v7 API to achieve this notification configuration from the Carbon Black Cloud console. It also shows how to retrieve historical data using the time range filter. More information on using the time range filter can be found here.


Request Headers
Content-Type: "application/json"
Request Body
    "time_range": {
        "start": "2023-04-03T08:48:47.211Z",
        "end": "2023-09-14T09:51:20.233Z",
    "criteria": {
        "minimum_severity": 2,
        "type": [
        "policy_name": [
            "DEVO Policy"
    "exclusions": { },
    "start": "1",
    "rows": "1",
    "sort": [
            "field": "severity",
            "order": "DESC"
To download or review the Carbon Black Cloud Postman collection, click here.

Watchlist Gets a Hit

The example below shows how to use the Alerts v7 API to achieve this notification configuration from the Carbon Black Cloud console. It also shows how to filter by the last time an alert was updated.


Request Headers
Content-Type: "application/json"
Request Body
    "time_range": {
        "range": "-2w"
    "criteria": {
        "minimum_severity": 1,
        "watchlist_name": ["Carbon Black Advanced Threats"],
        "backend_update_timestamp": {
            "range": "-4d"
    "exclusions": { },
    "start": "1",
    "rows": "1",
    "sort": [
            "field": "severity",
            "order": "DESC"
To download or review the Carbon Black Cloud Postman collection, click here.

Carbon Black Cloud Python SDK Migration

Carbon Black Cloud Python SDK 1.5.0 was released on October 24, 2023, with support for Alerts v7.

Notifications are retrieved from a queue in Carbon Black Cloud using just one method, get_notifications().

See the Notifications Migration Guide to update from Notifications to Alerts in SDK 1.5.0 or higher.

Last modified on June 3, 2024