Differential Analysis API


Audit and Remediation is a real-time query and remediation solution that gives teams faster, easier access to audit and change the system state of endpoints across their organization. It contains three components; Live Response, Live Query, and Differential Analysis. This document describes the Differential Analysis API.

Differential Analysis provides the ability to compare and understand the changes between two Live Query runs. The differential is calculated based on point-in-time snapshots. These features answer the question, “What changed on endpoints, and when?”.

Key Features

  • Compare current with previous point-in-time snapshots of endpoints to understand what was changed on them
  • Export results asynchronously

Use Cases

  • Monitor files, folders, and registry keys with a low change probability
  • Monitor for changes or modifications to the configuration of endpoints
  • Monitor for unexpected installations and changes to existing browser extensions
  • Monitor for changes in security settings such as drive encryption, password standards, service stoppages, RDP events and more


  • Carbon Black Cloud Audit and Remediation
  • Devices with Carbon Black Cloud Sensor Installed. For a full list of supported Sensor versions and OSs, click here
  • All API calls require an API key with appropriate permissions, see Authentication for details

Rate Limits

These rate limits apply on a per-org basis.

  • 350 requests / 5 mins for Sync API
  • 100 requests / 5 mins for Async API


Determine whether you use Carbon Black Cloud or VMware Cloud Services Platform to manage identity and authorization, or see the Carbon Black Cloud API Access Guide for complete instructions.

Carbon Black Cloud Managed Identity and Authentication
Customize your access to the Carbon Black Cloud APIs with Role-Based Access Control; All APIs and Services authenticate via API Keys. To access the data in Carbon Black Cloud via API, you must set up a key with the correct permissions for the calls you want to make and pass it in the HTTP Headers.

Available on majority of environments; Use the Carbon Black Cloud Console URL, as described here.

API Route
Replace the {cbc-hostname} and {org_key} with the URL of your Environment and the org_key for your specific Org.
  • {cbc-hostname}/livequery/v1/orgs/{org_key}/differential

Access Level
Before you create your API Key, you need to create a "Custom" Access Level including each category:
  • Live Query > Manage queries > livequery.manage, allow permission to READ

When creating your API Key, use the Access Level Type of "Custom" and select the Access Level you created. Details on constructing and passing the API Key in your requests are available here.

Quick Start

Quick Start guides follow entire workflows for common scenarios using Differential Analysis API.

This guide follows the steps for comparing two "point-in-time snapshots" of endpoints by using the Query Comparison API call. The goal is to understand what Firefox add-ons were added or removed between the two snapshot intervals.
1. Prerequisites
To perform a Differential Analysis, go through a Live Query API workflow to create the "point-in-time" snapshots of your endpoints or use existing ones. You can find a step-by-step Live Query guide under Live Query API > Quick Start > Automatically Recurring Query.
2. Query Comparison
Start a Query Comparison with the id's you received from step 1.
Set "count_only": true to receive only the number of changes between the two runs (example .a), and "count_only": false to receive the actual differential data (example .b).
POST https://defense.conferdeploy.net/livequery/v1/orgs/ABCD1234/differential/runs/_search
Request Headers
Content-Type: "application/json"

Example .a
  "count_only": true,
  "criteria": {
    "device_id": [ 11412673 ]
  "newer_run_id": "qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu",
  "older_run_id": "kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal"
  "org_key": "ABCD1234",
  "results": [
      "newer_run_id": "qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu",
      "newer_run_create_time": "2022-05-11T10:49:36.190Z",
      "older_run_id": "kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal",
      "older_run_create_time": "2022-05-11T10:47:48.952Z",
      "diff_processed_time": 0.072,
      "newer_run_not_responded_devices": [],
      "older_run_not_responded_devices": [],
      "diff_results": [
          "device_id": 11412673,
          "change_count": 1,
          "added_count": 1,
          "removed_count": 0,
          "changes": null,
          "older_run_row_count": 17,
          "newer_run_row_count": 18

Example .b
  "count_only": false,
  "criteria": {
    "device_id": [ 11412673 ]
  "newer_run_id": "qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu",
  "older_run_id": "kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal"
  "org_key": "ABCD1234",
  "results": [
      "newer_run_id": "qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu",
      "newer_run_create_time": "2022-05-11T10:49:36.190Z",
      "older_run_id": "kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal",
      "older_run_create_time": "2022-05-11T10:47:48.952Z",
      "diff_processed_time": 0.051,
      "newer_run_not_responded_devices": [],
      "older_run_not_responded_devices": [],
      "diff_results": [
          "device_id": 11412673,
          "change_count": 1,
          "added_count": 1,
          "removed_count": 0,
          "changes": [
              "action": "added",
              "fields": [
                  "key": "name",
                  "value": "Enhancer for YouTube™"
                  "key": "path",
                  "value": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\6jmaljui.default-release\\extensions\\enhancerforyoutube@maximerf.addons.mozilla.org.xpi"
                  "key": "version",
                  "value": "2.0.113"
          "older_run_row_count": 17,
          "newer_run_row_count": 18
To download or review the Carbon Black Cloud Postman collection, click here.

API Calls

Query Comparison

Compare two Live Query result sets asynchronously, and optionally export the response as JSON file. A result set can be two individual Live Query runs or any two ids from an automatically recurring query.

Note: Certain Rate Limits apply for Sync and Async queries.

Count Only

Set the request body parameter "count_only": true to receive only the number of changes between the two runs (Count Only Example). This is the default behavior of the API.

Actual Changes

Set the request body parameter "count_only": false to receive the actual differential data between the two runs (Actual Changes Example).

Export Results

Use the query parameters async and format to export the results as a JSON object asynchronously. The Query Comparison call itself is not asynchronous - use its response. To receive the actual JSON results, you need to use the Job Service API. First, use the Get Job Details to get the status of the async job, then Download Job Output call to download the actual content (Export Results Example).

The Job Service API requires additional RBAC permissions.

Note: When comparing recurring Live Query runs, the older_run_id is optional. If it is not specified, the run that is one earlier than newer_run_id will be the older_run_id.

Note: `newer_run_id` must always contain the more recent in time query than the `older_run_id`.

API Permissions Required

Identity Manager Permission (.notation name) Operation(s) Environment
Carbon Black Cloud livequery.manage READ Majority of environments

POST {cbc-hostname}/livequery/v1/orgs/{org_key}/differential/runs/_search

Query Parameters

Both parameters are required when using the asynchronous functionality.

Parameter Required Values Default
async No true true
format No json json

Request Body - application/json

  "count_only": boolean,
  "criteria": {
    "device_id": [ integer ]
  "newer_run_id": "<string>",
  "older_run_id": "<string>"

Body Schema

Field Definition Data Type Values
count_only Specify whether the count of diff results per device or complete diff result must be returned. The default value is true, which means only the count will be returned Boolean true, false
criteria Object that represents values that must be in the results Object criteria
newer_run_id REQUIRED id against which the older run id results will be compared String N/A
older_run_id This is optional if comparing two runs from a recurring query. If it is not specified, the run that is one earlier than newer_run_id and within the previous 24 hours will be the older_run_id.

If the prior run is more than 24 hours earlier, the message {"message":"Couldn't find run id older than newer run id {newer_run_id}.","error_code":"BAD_REQUEST"} will be received.
String N/A


Code Description Content-Type Content
200 Successfully retrieved differential analysis results application/json View example response below
202 Async job has been created application/json View example response below
400 The JSON body was malformed, or some part of the JSON body included an invalid value N/A N/A
413 The request parameters caused a large response body which cannot be handled N/A N/A
429 Service is busy processing other requests. N/A N/A

Count Only


POST https://defense.conferdeploy.net/livequery/v1/orgs/ABCD1234/differential/runs/_search
Request Headers
Content-Type: "application/json"
Request Body
  "count_only": true,
  "criteria": {
    "device_id": [ 11412673 ]
  "newer_run_id": "qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu",
  "older_run_id": "kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal"
Response Body
  "org_key": "ABCD1234",
  "results": [
      "newer_run_id": "qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu",
      "newer_run_create_time": "2022-05-11T10:49:36.190Z",
      "older_run_id": "kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal",
      "older_run_create_time": "2022-05-11T10:47:48.952Z",
      "diff_processed_time": 0.262,
      "newer_run_not_responded_devices": [],
      "older_run_not_responded_devices": [],
      "diff_results": [
          "device_id": 11412673,
          "change_count": 1,
          "added_count": 1,
          "removed_count": 0,
          "changes": null,
          "older_run_row_count": 17,
          "newer_run_row_count": 18
To download or review the Carbon Black Cloud Postman collection, click here.
curl https://defense.conferdeploy.net/livequery/v1/orgs/ABCD1234/differential/runs/_search \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "count_only": true, "criteria": { "device_id": [ 11412673 ] }, "newer_run_id": "qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu", "older_run_id": "kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal" }'
Response Body
  "org_key": "ABCD1234",
  "results": [
      "newer_run_id": "qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu",
      "newer_run_create_time": "2022-05-11T10:49:36.190Z",
      "older_run_id": "kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal",
      "older_run_create_time": "2022-05-11T10:47:48.952Z",
      "diff_processed_time": 0.262,
      "newer_run_not_responded_devices": [],
      "older_run_not_responded_devices": [],
      "diff_results": [
          "device_id": 11412673,
          "change_count": 1,
          "added_count": 1,
          "removed_count": 0,
          "changes": null,
          "older_run_row_count": 17,
          "newer_run_row_count": 18
To download or review the Carbon Black Cloud Postman collection, click here.
import json
import requests

# DISCLAIMER: Never store your credentials within your code. The purpose of this script is to showcase
# the code's functionality and not to be implemented in a production scenario. Consider using the
# Carbon Black Cloud Python SDK, https://carbon-black-cloud-python-sdk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/authentication

# Replace org_key, base_url, device_id, x_auth_token, newer_run_id, older_run_id with your own data
org_key = 'ABCD1234'
base_url = 'https://defense.conferdeploy.net'
device_id = [ 11412673 ]
x_auth_token = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO123456789/ABCD123456'
newer_run_id = 'qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu'
older_run_id = 'kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal'

req_body = {
  "count_only": True,
  "criteria": {
    "device_id": device_id
  "newer_run_id": newer_run_id,
  "older_run_id": older_run_id
req_body_json = json.dumps(req_body)

req_url = f'{base_url}/livequery/v1/orgs/{org_key}/differential/runs/_search'
req_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-AUTH-TOKEN': x_auth_token}

differential = requests.post(url=req_url, data=req_body_json, headers=req_headers)

{'org_key': 'ABCD1234',
 'results': [{'diff_processed_time': 0.046,
              'diff_results': [{'added_count': 1,
                                'change_count': 1,
                                'changes': None,
                                'device_id': 11412673,
                                'newer_run_row_count': 18,
                                'older_run_row_count': 17,
                                'removed_count': 0}],
              'newer_run_create_time': '2022-05-11T10:49:36.190Z',
              'newer_run_id': 'qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu',
              'newer_run_not_responded_devices': [],
              'older_run_create_time': '2022-05-11T10:47:48.952Z',
              'older_run_id': 'kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal',
              'older_run_not_responded_devices': []}]}

Actual Changes


POST https://defense.conferdeploy.net/livequery/v1/orgs/ABCD1234/differential/runs/_search
Request Headers
Content-Type: "application/json"
Request Body
  "count_only": false,
  "criteria": {
    "device_id": [ 11412673 ]
  "newer_run_id": "qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu",
  "older_run_id": "kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal"
Response Body
  "org_key": "ABCD1234",
  "results": [
      "newer_run_id": "qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu",
      "newer_run_create_time": "2022-05-11T10:49:36.190Z",
      "older_run_id": "kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal",
      "older_run_create_time": "2022-05-11T10:47:48.952Z",
      "diff_processed_time": 0.062,
      "newer_run_not_responded_devices": [],
      "older_run_not_responded_devices": [],
      "diff_results": [
          "device_id": 11412673,
          "change_count": 1,
          "added_count": 1,
          "removed_count": 0,
          "changes": [
              "action": "added",
              "fields": [
                  "key": "name",
                  "value": "Enhancer for YouTube™"
                  "key": "path",
                  "value": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\6jmaljui.default-release\\extensions\\enhancerforyoutube@maximerf.addons.mozilla.org.xpi"
                  "key": "version",
                  "value": "2.0.113"
          "older_run_row_count": 17,
          "newer_run_row_count": 18
To download or review the Carbon Black Cloud Postman collection, click here.
curl https://defense.conferdeploy.net/livequery/v1/orgs/ABCD1234/differential/runs/_search \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "count_only": false, "criteria": { "device_id": [ 11412673 ] }, "newer_run_id": "qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu", "older_run_id": "kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal" }'
Response Body
  "org_key": "ABCD1234",
  "results": [
      "newer_run_id": "qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu",
      "newer_run_create_time": "2022-05-11T10:49:36.190Z",
      "older_run_id": "kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal",
      "older_run_create_time": "2022-05-11T10:47:48.952Z",
      "diff_processed_time": 0.062,
      "newer_run_not_responded_devices": [],
      "older_run_not_responded_devices": [],
      "diff_results": [
          "device_id": 11412673,
          "change_count": 1,
          "added_count": 1,
          "removed_count": 0,
          "changes": [
              "action": "added",
              "fields": [
                  "key": "name",
                  "value": "Enhancer for YouTube™"
                  "key": "path",
                  "value": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\6jmaljui.default-release\\extensions\\enhancerforyoutube@maximerf.addons.mozilla.org.xpi"
                  "key": "version",
                  "value": "2.0.113"
          "older_run_row_count": 17,
          "newer_run_row_count": 18
To download or review the Carbon Black Cloud Postman collection, click here.
import json
import requests

# DISCLAIMER: Never store your credentials within your code. The purpose of this script is to showcase
# the code's functionality and not to be implemented in a production scenario. Consider using the
# Carbon Black Cloud Python SDK, https://carbon-black-cloud-python-sdk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/authentication

# Replace org_key, base_url, device_id, x_auth_token, newer_run_id, older_run_id with your own data
org_key = 'ABCD1234'
base_url = 'https://defense.conferdeploy.net'
device_id = [ 11412673 ]
x_auth_token = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO123456789/ABCD123456'
newer_run_id = 'qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu'
older_run_id = 'kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal'

req_body = {
  "count_only": False,
  "criteria": {
    "device_id": device_id
  "newer_run_id": newer_run_id,
  "older_run_id": older_run_id
req_body_json = json.dumps(req_body)

req_url = f'{base_url}/livequery/v1/orgs/{org_key}/differential/runs/_search'
req_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-AUTH-TOKEN': x_auth_token}

differential = requests.post(url=req_url, data=req_body_json, headers=req_headers)

{'org_key': 'ABCD1234',
 'results': [{'diff_processed_time': 0.044,
              'diff_results': [{'added_count': 1,
                                'change_count': 1,
                                'changes': [{'action': 'added',
                                             'fields': [{'key': 'name',
                                                         'value': 'Enhancer '
                                                                  'for '
                                                        {'key': 'path',
                                                         'value': 'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\6jmaljui.default-release\\extensions\\enhancerforyoutube@maximerf.addons.mozilla.org.xpi'},
                                                        {'key': 'version',
                                                         'value': '2.0.113'}]}],
                                'device_id': 11412673,
                                'newer_run_row_count': 18,
                                'older_run_row_count': 17,
                                'removed_count': 0}],
              'newer_run_create_time': '2022-05-11T10:49:36.190Z',
              'newer_run_id': 'qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu',
              'newer_run_not_responded_devices': [],
              'older_run_create_time': '2022-05-11T10:47:48.952Z',
              'older_run_id': 'kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal',
              'older_run_not_responded_devices': []}]}

Export Results


POST https://defense.conferdeploy.net/livequery/v1/orgs/{org_key}/differential/runs/_search?async=true&format=json
Request Headers
Content-Type: "application/json"
Request Body
  "count_only": false,
  "criteria": {
    "device_id": [ 11412673 ]
  "newer_run_id": "ztpbsoapz7zsa186uhefjxdpu8o6yo6z",
  "older_run_id": "0tm25lpeojq2lfcwef2q18bsfuzeiaud"
Response Body
  "ref_url": "https://defense.conferdeploy.net/jobs/v1/orgs/ABCD1234/jobs/12345",
  "job_id": 12345
To download or review the Carbon Black Cloud Postman collection, click here.
curl https://defense.conferdeploy.net/livequery/v1/orgs/{org_key}/differential/runs/_search?async=true&format=json \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "count_only": false, "criteria": { "device_id": [ 11412673 ] }, "newer_run_id": "qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu", "older_run_id": "kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal" }'
Response Body
  "ref_url": "https://defense.conferdeploy.net/jobs/v1/orgs/ABCD1234/jobs/12345",
  "job_id": 12345
To download or review the Carbon Black Cloud Postman collection, click here.
import json
import requests

# DISCLAIMER: Never store your credentials within your code. The purpose of this script is to showcase
# the code's functionality and not to be implemented in a production scenario. Consider using the
# Carbon Black Cloud Python SDK, https://carbon-black-cloud-python-sdk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/authentication

# Replace org_key, base_url, device_id, x_auth_token, newer_run_id, older_run_id with your own data
org_key = 'ABCD1234'
base_url = 'https://defense.conferdeploy.net'
device_id = [ 11412673 ]
x_auth_token = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO123456789/ABCD123456'
newer_run_id = 'qpopjb82whlmthlo0x1wrwcnoyxmrueu'
older_run_id = 'kibloccplynombvigcgtu2et2zayhzal'

req_body = {
  "count_only": False,
  "criteria": {
    "device_id": device_id
  "newer_run_id": newer_run_id,
  "older_run_id": older_run_id
req_body_json = json.dumps(req_body)

req_url = f'{base_url}/livequery/v1/orgs/{org_key}/differential/runs/_search?async=true&format=json'
req_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-AUTH-TOKEN': x_auth_token}

differential = requests.post(url=req_url, data=req_body_json, headers=req_headers)

{'job_id': 12345,
 'ref_url': 'https://defense.conferdeploy.net/jobs/v1/orgs/ABCD1234/jobs/12345'}



Field Definition Data Type Values
count_only Specify whether the count of diff results per device or complete diff result must be returned. The default value is true, which means only the count will be returned Boolean true, false
criteria Object that represents values that must be in the results Object criteria
newer_run_id id against which the older run id results will be compared String N/A
older_run_id This can be optional. If not specified, the previous run as compared to the primary will be chosen String N/A


Field Definition Data Type Values
device_id Allows the results to be filtered on device_id(s) Array
[ Integer ]


Field Definition Data Type Values
org_key Carbon Black organisation identifier String N/A
results Array containing results object Array results


Field Definition Data Type Values
diff_processed_time The time it took to process the results in seconds and milliseconds Double Format: ss.SSS
diff_results An object containing either count of changes only or count and actual diff results Object diff_results
newer_run_create_time Timestamp of the primary run in ISO 8601 UTC format String Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'
newer_run_id id against which the older run id results will be compared String N/A
newer_run_not_responded_devices Array
older_run_create_time Timestamp of the older run id in ISO 8601 UTC format String Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'
older_run_id This can be optional. If not specified, the previous run as compared to the primary will be chosen. This can be optional if you are comparing reccuring runs only. String N/A
older_run_not_responded_devices Array


Field Definition Data Type Values
added_count Number of additive differences Integer N/A
change_count Number of total change count - additive and subtractive Integer N/A
changes Array containing objects with additive and subtractive changes metadata Array changes
device_id Device identifier Integer N/A
newer_run_row_count Number of total Live Query result objects in primary run Integer N/A
removed_count Number of subtractive differences Integer N/A
older_run_row_count Number of total Live Query result objects in older run Integer N/A


Field Definition Data Type Values
action Indicates whether actions are additive or subtractive String ADDED, REMOVED
fields Array of objects with metadata of the differential Array fields


Field Definition Data Type Values
key Name of differential metadata String N/A
value Content of differential metadata String N/A


Field Definition Data Type Values
ref_url Response object for async jobs contains URL with job id for the Job Service API. String N/A
job_id id of the async job. Use id to query status, and results of the job Integer N/A


Reason: The lookback period for a prior run is limited to 24 hours.

Suggested fix: Verify the older run is within 24 hours of the newer run.
Assuming the scheduled query runs less frequently than every 24 hours, use the Search Previous Query Runs API to get the last two runs to compare.

Last modified on February 7, 2023