Network Threat Metadata API
The Network Threat Metadata Service gathers information to enrich Alerts and Observations of types
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Network Traffic Analysis (NTA).
Use Cases
- From an Observation or Alert get information about the network threat.
- When the type is an IDS or NTA Alert or Observation, the
is thetms_rule_id
in this API.
- When the type is an IDS or NTA Alert or Observation, the
- Enterprise EDR with XDR
Determine whether you use Carbon Black Cloud or VMware Cloud Services Platform to manage identity and authorization, or see the Carbon Black Cloud API Access Guide for complete instructions.Carbon Black Cloud Managed Identity and Authentication
Customize your access to the Carbon Black Cloud APIs with Role-Based Access Control; All APIs and Services authenticate via API Keys. To access the data in Carbon Black Cloud via API, you must set up a key with the correct permissions for the calls you want to make and pass it in the HTTP Headers.
Available on majority of environments; Use the Carbon Black Cloud Console URL, as described here.
API Route
Replace the {cbc-hostname} and {org_key} with the URL of your Environment and the org_key for your specific Org.
- {cbc-hostname}/threatmetadata/v1/orgs/{org_key}/detectors/{tms_rule_id}
Access Level
Before you create your API Key, you need to create a "Custom" Access Level including each category:
- Alerts > Threat Metadata > org.xdr.metadata, allow permission to
When creating your API Key, use the Access Level Type of "Custom" and select the Access Level you created. Details on constructing and passing the API Key in your requests are available here.
API Calls
Get metadata for a detector (rule)
Get the metadata for a given detector (rule).
API Permissions Required
Identity Manager | Permission (.notation name) | Operation(s) | Environment |
Carbon Black Cloud | org.xdr.metadata |
Majority of environments |
GET {cbc-hostname}/threatmetadata/v1/orgs/{org_key}/detectors/{tms_rule_id}
Query Parameters
Parameter | Required | Description | Values | Default |
tms_rule_id | Yes | The unique identifier for the threat rule (detector) to get metadata about | N/A |
Response Codes
Code | Description | Content-Type | Content |
200 | Successful Requests | application/json | View example response below |
4xx | Requests that failed | application/json | See Error Response below |
Request Headers
Response Body
To download or review the Carbon Black Cloud Postman collection, click here.
"detector_abstract": "A remote shell is a bidirectional communication channel that allows an attacker to send commands to a compromised host over the network. A remote shell is defined *direct* (or *bind*) if the attacker's host (client) initiates the connection towards the compromised host (server).\n\nThe detector matches on the string `whoami` sent by the attacker (client) in the first 30 bytes of a TCP packet's payload. To decrease the likelihood of false positives, an alert is generated only if no known application layer protocol is decoded.",
"detector_goal": "Detect the transfer of a whoami command over a TCP direct shell.",
"false_negatives": "The detector only matches on plaintext TCP direct shell. Stealthier shells could obfuscate or encrypt the commands.\n\nFurthermore, if `whoami` is sent deeper in the TCP payload than 30 bytes, the detector would not generate an alert.",
"false_positives": "While a remote shell is a plausible explanation for the string `whoami` sent over a TCP connection, other applications may have legitimate reasons for transferring content matching the detector (e.g., plaintext streaming of audit logs).\n\nThe captured traffic associated to the event should help investigate the context and purpose of the TCP connection.",
"threat_public_comment": "Once a host has been compromised, a remote shell could be used by the attacker to perform additional tasks (e.g., environment reconnaissance, lateral movements). An alert for this threat is generated by a plain TCP connection that may be used to transmit and execute cleartext commands through a remote shell on a compromised host."
Field Definitions
Threat Metadata Response
Field | Definition | Data Type | Values |
detector_abstract |
Abstract or description of the detector | string | N/A |
detector_goal |
Description of what the detector is achieving | string | N/A |
false_negatives |
Highlights why detector could not have been triggered | string | N/A |
false_positives |
Highlights why detector could have been triggered | string | N/A |
threat_public_comment |
Public comment of the threat | string | N/A |
Error Response
Field | Definition | Data Type | Values |
timestamp |
Time the request was made in ISO 8601 UTC format | String | Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS’Z' |
status |
HTTP Response Code | String | N/A |
error |
HTTP Response Message | String | N/A |
path |
URL that was submitted | String | N/A |
Last modified on March 1, 2023