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Devices search criteria - updated to snake_case
Devices search criteria - updated to snake_case
Posted on November 18, 2022
The Device API documentation has been updated with all fields in snake_case. Previously there were inconsistencies in field names where the request specified camelCase and the response used snake_case.
Check the Device v6 API page for full API information on searching and sorting.
Affected fields for search criteria:
- ad_group_id
- auto_scaling_group_name
- base_device
- cloud_provider_account_id
- cloud_provider_resource_id
- cloud_provider_tags
- deployment_type
- golden_device_id
- golden_device_status
- host_based_firewall_status
- host_based_firewall_reason
- infrastructure_provider
- last_contact_time
- os_version
- policy_id
- sensor_version
- signature_status
- sub_deployment_type
- target_priority
- vcenter_uuid
- virtual_private_cloud_id
- virtualization_provider
- vm_uuid
- vcenter_host_url
Affected fields for sorting
- av_pack_version
- cluster_name`
- esx_host_name
- last_contact_time
- login_user_name
- name
- os_version
- policy_name
- sensor_version
- target_priority
- vm_ip
- vm_name
- vulnerability_score
- vulnerability_severity
Affected fields for faceting
- ad_group_id
- auto_scaling_group_name
- cloud_provider_account_id
- cloud_provider_tags
- golden_device_id
- golden_device_status
- host_based_firewall_status
- infrastructure_provider
- os
- os_version
- policy_id
- sensor_version
- signature_status
- status
- sub_deployment_type
- vcenter_host_url
- virtualization_provider
- virtual_private_cloud_id
If there are any concerns about this change, please reach out to us.