Carbon Black EDR Airgap Feed (Centos 6/7/8)


If you are on EDR version 7.4 or earlier, please use these instructions.

Beginning with VMare Carbon Black EDR version 7.5.0, the cb-airgap-feed script has been incorporated into the EDR distribution as an internal tool. The airgap utility continues to work the same way, using the same command line options. It is located at /usr/share/cb/cbfeed_airgap on your EDR Server.


This tool helps customers import VMware Carbon Black EDR-provided threat intelligence feeds into EDR servers installed inside an isolated network. This script will export a subset of the CB Collective Defense Cloud Threat Intelligence Feeds into a set of JSON files which can then be copied and imported into an airgapped EDR server.

The following feeds are supported by this tool:

  • Indicators of Compromise
  • Malware Domain List
  • Tor exit nodes
  • Carbon Black Advanced Threat Indicators
  • Carbon Black Community Feed
  • Carbon Black Early Access Feed
  • Carbon Black Suspicious Indicators
  • Carbon Black Endpoint Visibility Feed
  • Carbon Black Known IOC Feed
  • SANS Threat Hunting Feed
  • AlienVault Open Threat Exchange
  • Facebook Threat Exchange TLP White Indicators
  • ThreatConnect

Other CB Collective Defense Cloud feeds are not able to be exported as they require the target EDR server to be online and actively communicating with the Collective Defense Cloud.


To use this tool, you will need two EDR servers, one with access to the Internet and the CB Collective Defense Cloud (the “source”), and one that is disconnected from the Internet (the “destination”). The first server will run the script in “export” mode to download the feeds from the CB Collective Defense Cloud and save them to a local directory. This directory is then burned to CD, copied to USB, or otherwise transferred to the “destination” server through a secure means. The folder includes a copy of the script plus the contents of all the feeds exported from the CB Collective Defense Cloud.

Once the folder arrives on the destination server, the script is then run in “import” mode to import the feed contents into the isolated EDR server. This process can be repeated on a regular basis to keep the copies of the feeds on the “destination” server in sync with the feeds from the CB Collective Defense Cloud.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Run the /usr/share/cb/cbfeed_airgap script on the “source” system with a -f argument indicating the folder where the feeds should be saved. This folder could be on a mounted USB stick, or a temporary directory that will be burned to CD-ROM. For example:

     # ./usr/share/cb/cbfeed_airgap export -f /tmp/blah
     exporting threat intelligence feeds to /tmp/blah
     # cp -rp /tmp/blah /media/USB
     # umount /media/USB
    Note: Include a -v option for verbose logging to /var/log/cb/cli/cli.log.
  2. Copy the files to your destination server.

  3. Change into the directory containing the script and feeds folder that you copied from the “source” server.

  4. Run the /usr/share/cb/cbfeed_airgap script on the “destination” system in “import” mode. For example:

     # ./usr/share/cb/cbfeed_airgap import
     importing threat intelligence feeds from /media/USB


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  • Report bugs and product issues to Broadcom Support
  • View all API and integration offerings on the Developer Network along with reference documentation, video tutorials, and how-to guides.

Last modified on February 15, 2023