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Announcing Location Aware Firewall Rules in Carbon Black Cloud
Announcing Location Aware Firewall Rules in Carbon Black Cloud
Posted on January 9, 2024
You can now use profiles with Carbon Black Cloud Host-based firewalls to provide location awareness.
When using profiles, Carbon Black Cloud assigns separate security policies for each location or type of network connection:
- Public - Open wifi networks, such as coffee shops or airports.
- Private - User-assigned profile. Used to designate private or home networks.
- Domain - By default, the domain profile applies to networks where the Windows device can authenticate to the domain controller. The domain profile is configured via the group policy corporate url.
You can select more than one profile per rule or rule group. When multiple profiles are selected, the active security policy is determined by the current network profile of the adapter on the device.
The definitions of these networks types are based on the Windows firewall definitions. For more information on how Windows defines these network connections, see Firewall and network protection in Windows Security.
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